ASUS Eee PC 1201N On Linux Review - Phoronix
Linux on the ASUS EEEPC - Michael Minn 31 Mar 2013 The ASUS Eee PC 1000HD, an inexpensive, highly portable netbook most of the old, nasty driver issues are resolved in the current distros. 13 Best Linux distros for old notebooks/laptops as of 2019 Lubuntu, antiX, and Debian GNU/Linux are probably your best bets out of the 13 options considered What are the best Linux distros for old notebooks/laptops? PC GamesDevelopmentGamingElectronicsPCAndroidProductivityWebSoftwareLinuxUtilitiesLearning Resources. Works very well on ASUS 1005HA netbook. ASUS Eee PC HowTo - Slackware Documentation Project 18 Dec 2014 Asus eee PCs are/were popular netbooks. Some linux distros were built specifically for these machines and specific scripts where ported to
The Asus Eee PC ultraportable comes bundled with a version of Xandros as its operating system. If you would like to try a different Linux distro on your Eee, there are plenty of options to choose from, including eeeXubuntu, EeeDora, ZenEee, EeePCLinuxOS, and Puppeee. best linux for eee pc - eeepc netbook resolved | Ask MetaFilter What's the "best" linux distro for an ASUS Eee PC 1005HA netbook? It's been awhile since I've run Windows on my personal computer and am finding XP to be a bit slow and tedious. For a few years I ran Ubuntu on a desktop and laptop and, while that would be my choice for a more powerful computer with a taller screen, I'm not sure I'll be any more satisfied with (standard) Ubuntu than I am with XP. Xubuntu – perfektes Linux für Netbooks und schwächere Rechner - Nach der Installation von Xubuntu (auf dem ASUS Eee PC R105) müssen keine weiteren Treiber nachinstalliert werden. Hibernate (Ruhezustand) funktioniert leider nicht. Man kann das Netbook bloß in den Sleep Mode schicken. Multimedia Leistung. So lässt sich ein 360p Video auf einem Asus Eee PC R105 Netbook mit Xubuntu Linux ruckelfrei abspielen
Then Asus put an end to the production of the little 701 and linux distro followed the market: netbook with big screens, huge standard hard drives (bye bye solid Which Distro For an Eee PC? - Slashdot 24 Feb 2009 An anonymous reader writes "I've got an Eee PC 1000HD, and frankly, I can't stand XP Anyway, my question is this: which Linux distro should I run on it? I have the Asus 1000 (solid state drive) and use Easy Peasy (I think Which Linux can run on an ASUS EEE PC? - Quora 18 May 2017 Might also try “Dam Small Linux” or Pixel OS which has now been Which is the best Linux distro that will work on the Asus E402M laptop? Best Linux for Old Laptops - Datamation 27 Feb 2017 We'll share some of the best Linux distros for old laptop hardware and also This is the distro I run on my ancient ASUS Eee 1005HAB netbook. To run Lubuntu, your PC needs to provide at least an Intel Pentium 2 (or AMD
Poraďte s výběrem vhodného linuxu k prohlížení internetu a ICQ. Představoval bych si něco jako je nyní použito např. u ASUS EEE Box. Aby to bylo rychlé a nenáročné na HW. Diskuze pod článkem: Někteří členové komunity kolem operačního systému Linux se nechali slyšet, že dle jejich názoru se společnost Asus dopouští porušování licence GPL. Děje se tak v operačním systému nového ultrapřenosného stroje EeePC. Mininotebook ASUS Eee PC 901 navazuje na své úspěšné předchůdce Eee 701 a Eee 900. Výrobce se u tohoto modelu pokusil odstranit většinu kompromisů provázejících jeho předchůdce. Do jaké míry se mu tento záměr zdařil? Opravdový linuxový magazín. Naleznete zde recenze, návody a informace o software a hardware. -- There are two ways to boot an Asus Eee PC from a USB flash drive or USB pendrive. Addresses booting via the boot device menu and Instalace Google Android na Asus Eee PC 701 - Root.cz…google-android-na-asus-eee-pc-701Robin Pecha na svém blogu vydal podrobný návod, který popisuje, jak si sestavit a nainstalovat Android na netbook Asus Eee PC 701. Få det fulde udbytte af din Asus Eee PC med disse guides. Lær at overclocke, installere nye programmer eller Windows eller tilføje nyt hardware til din Eee adopters to Asus’ EEE PC will have to face an additional 100% to the original
In the meantime here is a list, filtered by the main hardware features, of those distros: #Wifi. An Asus Eee PC without working wifi is like a dog without the bark. Customised distros have all striven to ensure that this vital feature is either working out of the box or will do with a little post-install tweaking. ##works out of the box