Microsoft visual basic runtime error 1004 general odbc error

How to Fix Runtime Error 1004 in Excel

9 Mar 2018 This error is caused by a security option in Excel meant to deliberately lock out programmatic access to Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications 

9 Mar 2018 This error is caused by a security option in Excel meant to deliberately lock out programmatic access to Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications 

Just confirmed on the MSDN documentation at Range.AutoFilter method (Excel) | Microsoft Docs[^] that the named parameter Header is  By far the most common cause of a run-time Error 1004 is when VBA code refers to a named range that doesn't exist. Perhaps the name is spelled wrong in the  29 Feb 2016 On encountering a run-time error, an On Error statement enables or you enter a line of code which is not allowed or recognized by Visual Basic. In VBE, click Options on the Tools Menu, select the General tab in the dialog box. of Run- time error '1004' wherein the Source is "Microsoft Office Excel". Error: Run-time error 1004. SQL Syntax Error. System Area: ODBC and SMART. Issue Description: This is when the user's sorting option e.g. Department code or   Run-time error '1004' General ODBC Error - VBA …

Run-time error '1004' after protecting sheet that … When I replace my code with your code, I get Compile error: Block If without End If. Also, I should say that I don't need/want to protect/unprotect an entire row. By default, the excel doc begins with certain rows hidden. They only become visible if certain selections in made in corresponding drop-down menu's. Because the rows are hidden from the get-go, I'm not sure if your code to unlock the Sage VIP Run-time error 1004 SQL Syntax Error 5. Once done, re-apply changes in ODBC and run the report again 6. If the problem persists, please follow the steps again to make sure there are no special characters on the Earning and deduction definition screens 7. Remove them and apply changes in ODBC, test report again Excel VBA error 1004 with ODBC connection - …

Close. Excel Runtime Error 1004 General Odbc Error; Speedzooka Windows 8; My Faster PC 1 Excel - General Odbc Error - Run Time Error 1004 - … Hi, This is a very basic question, but i have been struggling for hours, so I must ask. I I trying to simply fill a combobox on a userform from a named range on a sheet, I want to populate the combobox as soon as the userform starts. Run-time error '1004' after protecting sheet that … When I replace my code with your code, I get Compile error: Block If without End If. Also, I should say that I don't need/want to protect/unprotect an entire row. By default, the excel doc begins with certain rows hidden. They only become visible if certain selections in made in corresponding drop-down menu's. Because the rows are hidden from the get-go, I'm not sure if your code to unlock the Sage VIP Run-time error 1004 SQL Syntax Error 5. Once done, re-apply changes in ODBC and run the report again 6. If the problem persists, please follow the steps again to make sure there are no special characters on the Earning and deduction definition screens 7. Remove them and apply changes in ODBC, test report again

Visual Basic: Run-time error 1004 in Excel after …

Margret Arthur is an entrepreneur & content marketing expert. She writes tech blogs and expertise on MS Office, Excel, and other tech subjects. Cómo reparar el error de tiempo de ejecución 1004 … Margret Arthur es emprendedora y experta en marketing de contenidos. Ella Escribe blogs de tecnología y experiencia en MS Office, Excel y otros temas tecnológicos. Come correggere l'errore di runtime 1004 in Excel Non preoccuparti, puoi correggere questo errore di runtime di Microsoft Visual Basic 1004, semplicemente seguendo i passaggi indicati in questo post. Ma prima di avvicinarsi alla sezione delle correzioni, acquisire ulteriori informazioni sull’errore di runtime 1004. Elenco di errori di runtime comunemente trovati 1004 VBA: Visual Basic: Run-time error 1004 in Excel after … 17/06/2016 · Now, I had been making some changes and the macros and sheet protections (coded in Visual Basic to make sure they would reactivate if unlocked) were working fine. I wanted to try and see some recent changes I had made and thought I would turn on the "Track changes" feature. Well, when I did this, it said something about saving the workbook and then the next step said macros will not work …

Hi I wrote a vba function that should return data to the excel spreadshee after querying the Oracle database. I have installed and created Microsoft ODBC connection for Oracle on my workstation.

How To Fix Visual Basic Error 1004 General Odbc …

Excel VBA - Runtime Error "1004" General ODBC …